Do you call yourself full stack but suck at CSS?
We can teach you Blockchain.
Oh, you know CSS? Yeah, sure. We trust you…
We also need fullstack developers.

Do you like Java? Seriously? Or has Java traumatized you? All that knowledge wasted on a joke language? Ever heard of Kotlin?
We can teach you Blockchain compared to Java. Anyway, we also need Android developers.

Do you like strong-typed languages but need a career (change)?
Sshhh, not you Python developer.
Just kidding, we also need Python Data Scientists.

Do you use onclick on your divs? We have the perfect job for you, as far away from the DOM as you should be…
Learn Blockchain with us!

What is an aria label? If you don't know that you should probably be learning Solidity right now
No, display: block has nothing to do with blockchains.

Are you getting more null pointer exceptions than job offers?
Well, you should learn something people actually use: learn Cadence with us!